The MLN Project

Complex virtual machine management made easy

fw101: Setting up a basic firewall scenario for students from scratch

Written by Kyrre Begnum

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This little tutorial shows how to use mln and user-mode-linux to set up basic virtual machines for students in an entry-level firewall course.


I am going to teach a course on "Firewalls and Intrusion Detection" and want to use Linux and Iptables as my main platform in the lab. Let's call the course fw101. I want to divide the students into groups and let each one of them have their own firewall to practice on. I wrote down the following requirements for my lab:
  1. Each student group needs their own machine, preferably their own network.
  2. I want an easy way to collect scripts from assignements.
  3. I don't want to give them root access on any of my lab machines.
With only one powerful machine running Debian GNU/Linux in my lab, I will give User-Mode Linux and MLN a try to set up the entire lab with virtual machines.


Every student group gets a gateway and two machines connected to a switch will be their internal network. The students will do most of the work on the gateway, so that one will get a bit of diskspace. The other two will act as dummies simply to send and receive traffic, so they won't need more than approximately 500MB of disk each.

All the firewalls should be accessible from our school network, so they will have public ip-addresses assigned to them. They will use private addresses on the inside.

For simplicity, I'll pretend I only have two groups. It is easy to expand this to more groups. Instead of creating one user for every student, I create one for each student group. All students in that group will log in with the same username and password. This enables me to run the virtual machines owned by that user and all students in that group can access its console. You may not want to use this approach, in my case however, I want them to have console access in case they lock up the network on their gateway ( I actually anticipate that to happen ).

For the networking to work, I need to set up my machine with an ethernet bridge device so that the virtual machines appear to belong to the same network. One can set that up manually. I will use MLN for this as well. For the virtual machines, it will appear as if they are connected to a switch.

Every gateway is going to mount a folder on the physical machine using a special filesystem called hostfs. The students will leave their assignements in that folder, so that I can collect them easily.


I patched my kernel with the skas3 patch found here: < a href=" patches"> patches
The patch is not strictly necessary. It is recommended, however, since it improves performance.

Next, I installed some software:

apt-get install user-mode-linux uml-utilities bridge-utils screen sudo

I also have to create the directories for the assignements:

mkdir /fw101 

mkdir /fw101/gw1 

mkdir /fw101/gw2 

I downloaded the lates version of MLN and two templates, sarge-thick-V0.4.ext2.tar.gz for the gateways and the smaller Debian-3.0r0-V0.3.ext2.tar.gz for the dummy machines. This is how I chose to set it all up:

tar xzf mln-0.72.tar.gz 

mkdir /mln 

mkdir /mln/bin 

cp mln-0.72/mln /mln/bin 

export PATH=$PATH:/mln/bin 

Next, I configure MLN:

mkdir /mln/templates

mkdir /mln/projects 

mkdir /mln/files 

echo "projects /mln/projects" > ~/.mln

echo "templates /mln/templates" >> ~/.mln 

echo "files /mln/files" >> ~/.mln

mln register_template -m "The dummy template" Debian-3.0r0-V0.3.ext2.tar.gz

mln register_template -m "The gateway template" sarge-thick-V0.4.ext2.tar.gz 

Creating users and groups

adduser group1

adduser group2

addgroup fw101

usermod -G fw101 group1

usermod -G fw101 group1

chown group1 /fw101/gw1

chown group2 /fw101/gw2

Choose passwords wisely.

Next, we set up mln for the students too. The next steps are not strictly necessary, but in the next tutorial, we will see how students can create their own virtual networks so we might just as well prepare for that too.

echo "projects /mln/projects" > ~group1/.mln

echo "templates /mln/templates" >> ~group1/.mln

echo "files /mln/files" >> ~group1/.mln

echo "projects /mln/projects" > ~group2/.mln

echo "templates /mln/templates" >> ~group2/.mln

echo "files /mln/files" >> ~group2/.mln

chgrp fw101 /mln/projects

chgrp -R fw101 /mln/templates

chgrp -R fw101 /mln/files

chmod -R 775 /mln/projects

chmod -R 775 /mln/templates

chmod -R 775 /mln/files

There are different approaches to this, you might want separate project directories.

Defining the network using the MLN language

Before we begin with the mln-file, let me point out the obvious, that this file won't work for you unless you change certain variables. I will try to make them easy to spot.

I want root passwords on the gateways, and generate them like this:

root:~# mkpasswd group1_password


root:~# mkpasswd group2_password


I cut and paste these two passowrds into the mln-file (you might want to come upt with better passwords then these). You can get a copy of the file here.

global {

       project fw101


       # you need to change these: 

       $my_dns =  

       $group1_addr =

       $group2_addr =

       $root_passwd1 = "/d23ZbIBSuPYc"

       $root_passwd2 = "qFxR2/RL3NOyo"       


# This switch will be connected through the 

# bridge interface. 

switch external {

        tap tap0

	group fw101


# This superclass defines most aspects 

# of a gateway:

superclass gateway {

	   term screen

	   size 1500M

	   template sarge-thick.ext2

	   nameserver $my_dns


	   # external interface: 

	   # everything but the address

	   network eth0 {

	   	   switch external





	   # internal interface:

	   # everything but the switch

	   network eth1 {





      # Would you like to load all modules

      # for the students, or just some?

           modules {








# Definitions for the dummy host

superclass dummy_host {

	   nameserver $my_dns

	   template Debian-3.0r0.ext2

	   term screen

	   size 500MB

	   network eth0 {







# This is where I define the actual hosts and switches.

# Every host and switch name will end with their group number

# Group 1

host gw1 {

     sudo group1

     superclass gateway

     root_password $root_passwd1


     network eth0 {

     	     address $group1_addr



     network eth1 {

     	     switch switch1



     mount {

     	   /fw101/gw1 /fw101 hostfs rw




switch switch1 {

       sudo group1


# first dummy

host dummy1-1 {

     sudo group1

     superclass dummy_host


     network eth0 {

     	     switch switch1




host dummy2-1 {

     sudo group1

     superclass dummy_host


     network eth0 {

     	     switch switch1




# Group 2

host gw2 {

     superclass gateway

     sudo group2

     root_password $root_passwd2


     network eth0 {

     	     address $group2_addr



     network eth1 {

     	     switch switch2



     mount {

     	   /fw101/gw2 /fw101 hostfs rw




switch switch2 {

       sudo group2


# first dummy

host dummy1-2 {


     superclass dummy_host

     sudo group2

     network eth0 {

     	     switch switch2




host dummy2-2 {


     superclass dummy_host

     sudo group2

     network eth0 {

     	     switch switch2




Building and starting the project

Most of the work is actually done now. It is time to build and start the project.

mln build -f fw101.mln

< snip, snip >



########### fw101 FINISHED #########

Saving Config file.

Number of hosts configured: 6

Before we start this project, we need to make sure the bridge interface is up (NOTE: Don't do this on a machine that runs a DHCP client, that could mess up your networking)

mln enable_bridge

Next we start the project:

root:~# mln start -p fw101

Setting up external

Setting up switch1

Setting up switch2

Starting dummy1-1

Starting dummy1-2

Starting dummy2-1

Starting dummy2-2

Starting gw1

Starting gw2

There. The users can now either log in directly into the virtual machines, or log into the physical machine and use screen -r hostname to access the consoles. You may want to check upon the status of the entire project using this command:

root:~# mln status

fw101 host dummy1-1 up

fw101 host dummy1-2 up

fw101 host dummy2-1 up

fw101 host dummy2-2 up

fw101 host gw1 up

fw101 host gw2 up

fw101 switch external up

fw101 switch switch1 up

fw101 switch switch2 up


Adding more groups should not be any problem in this example, simply create more groups and expand the script to contain more networks. You can create more elaborate backnets too, with a DMZ and a LAN, if you want.

Note, that the gateways mount up the folder /fw101/gwn, this is where I want them to store their assignements. I can easily collect them from that folder later on, and it is a good way to take backup, in case you want to rebuild the virtual hosts.

Students may stop their own hosts, so you don't have to be available for them. But it might be a good idea, to tell them not to try and shut down the entire project, but to specify the hosts explicitly.

To save diskspace, one could use smaller templates on the LAN-side. It depends on the functionality you want.

The gatways won't forward any traffic the way they are set up now. But that is because I want the students to enable that in their excercises.

In the next tutorial, we will have a look at how the students can build and run their own virtual networks and connect them to the internet.